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About Us

It is no secret that proofreading and editorial services are recommended to students and frequently used by academics to improve the quality and competitiveness of academic submissions. Yet, even experienced academics struggle to find an editor who can recognise and refine academic nuances of technical language correctly.


The Thesis Professor was established to meet growing demand for expert proofreading and editing services tailored to academic writing. Based in Edinburgh, UK we are native English speakers who, uniquely, have lived experience of academic teaching, research and publication. This distinguishes us from competitor editing services, providing you comfort and confidence in our ability to revise technical writing to the highest of standards, even under tight deadlines. 

Dr Heather Haynes

Since completing my own PhD in 2004 I have been lecturing, researching, and publishing in the UK, EU and US academic systems. I have authored over 100 academic publications (conferences, journals, books) and remember well the immense effort behind each of my theses and papers. It is hard to forget the nerves afforded to opening reviewer comments and the energy invested in revisions to improve the final publication or funding proposal. Yet there comes a slow realisation that conforming to such high professional standards of writing is crucial to academic credibility and it has been a privilege to act as invited reviewer and editor of international journals, conference proceedings and books. 


As a Reader and Associate Professor, I had the pleasure of mentoring to completion over a hundred doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate theses, providing each researcher with the guidance required to win awards and publish their work. Developing their confidence to meld the subtleties of language into persuasive text helped them stand out from the competition. Yet, this is a learned skill that academic mentors are often unable or unwilling to counsel their protégés in. This inequality of access to education in fundamental academic writing technique underpins The Thesis Professor. Our goal is simple: to help all researchers convey complex science in a well-written, accessible and engaging manner to best showcase their talent.


Whilst the success of The Thesis Professor demands much of my time, I continue to have an ad hoc Teaching Associate role in the university sector and hold Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. This balance provides me insight to tailor our proofreading and editing services appropriate to the evolving needs of the academic sector. For your confidence, I am a member of UK’s Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and operate under their professional code of practice. 

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